![]() Here's a sampling of some of the past live events we've done. Want us to bring the party to you? Our digits and email are on the contact page.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
It's a fact: If you start partying the weekend before a holiday weekend, then the holiday weekend lasts for a week and a half. So we figured it was our patriotic duty to make sure that everyone had a party to go to! Our mom, First Lady Laura Bush (Mary House) and our dad, President George W. Bush (Chris Raiskup) totally agreed, so they came too! Or maybe it was because Mom's more popular than Daddy, so she's been going on every talk show she can. Daddy doesn't need an excuse. He's the freakin' President! It was kind of a short show, because we didn't have our party epiphany until a few days earlier, but we brought cake for everyone, so it's all good. And Hot Bartender (Hector Peñate) made sure everyone got one of our new souvenier shot glasses. Thanks, Hot Bartender! Sunday, December 11, 2005 Yeah, we were kind of busy this year... but we're never too busy for a holiday mini-special! We got this new cue card guy, Scooter Libby (Brandon Burkhart). Who else was gonna hire him? Our special guest was our dad, the President of the United States, the guy who taught Jenna how to cure a hangover, George W. Bush (Chris Raiskup)! Our less special guest was our cousin Noelle (Mary House). The drink of the day was margaritas, 'cause it kind of rhymes with Katrina, and it's topical! (And it was the biggest disaster this country has seen lately that Daddy didn't cause, so it better stay topical.) Thursday, January 27, 2005 DADDY!! He's the reason we're here! He lets us drink beer! He... um... our daddy is George W. Bush (Chris Raiskup), the freakin' President, okay? He said if we didn't embarrass him too much, he'd share his super-secret hangover cure with everyone. We're still not sure if he did, 'cause there was a lot of beer around, and we don't even wanna know what Noelle was on. But we're pretty sure we remember having a great time. Wooooo!!!! Thursday, January 20, 2005 Our special Innagu... Inagrea... Innogur... Daddy Gets Sworn In Again And We Get To Go To All The Parties Show! We're did the show after a whole bunch of ball things, so you KNOW it was a good time -- and that was even with our mom, Laura Bush (Mary House), showing up. We dug up some good dirt on her, so we were totally ready. And we drank lots of champagne! Monday, December 27, 2004 Our very first live show!! Our special guest was our Uncle Marvin (Randall Mills). Who's Uncle Marvin? Exactly! He's the one you never hear about. So we talked with him, and we talked with Cue Card Tony, and we got drinks from Hot Bartender, and we played Bush Family Scandal and Political Pets, and we even found out what a Venture Capitalist is! Everyone had a kick-ass time. Except maybe Uncle Marvin. |